Giving attention to every aspect of human life is central to the intent of God concerning the global church. A total Gospel approach becomes the antidote for the ailing stature of the church and the resultant failing of institutions in the larger society. At the Fountain Gate Church International (TFG), we amplify the truth of life after death without neglecting the well-echoed concept of life before death. Bearing in mind the fact that the church of  God is one(or supposed to be one) and actually meant to pursue one vision –preparing men for the second coming while not making them earthly irrelevant. TFG has as her emphasis the character aspect of dominion and prosperity of the church on earth.

A Response to Divine Mandate

Put succinctly, TFG is to raise a character-based church (Christ-like church) laced with charismatic flavour. There was something about Naomi that made Ruth change her mind about the gods of her father. We were named Christians because of the quality of the lifestyle early followers epitomized. This is our thrust! We do believe that gentiles will come to the brightness of our shining. This not about morals but about reflecting the nature and character of Christ both in Power and in disposition.  Come, let’s illuminate our world and humiliate the devil as we allow His (God’s)  life within shine as light without. “In Him was life; and the life was the light of men”  John 1:4.
We are real people with a real God; overcoming real issues by the Wisdom and Power of God. Welcome to The Fountain Gate Church International.- a place where Jesus is LORD OVER ALL. and none else is Lord over any.  ENJOY!

Experience Heaven on Earth

In him was life and the life was the light of men.

TFG…. Reflecting Christ, Influencing life.

We have been commisioned to help you become that for which you were created through the revelatory power of his word,  conducive atmosphere for divine experience and a worthwhile synergy with men on mission.

Our Vision

To raise a character-based church (Christ-like church) laced with charismatic flavour.

Our Mission

The acronym BONUS (through the complete gospel) explains our mission in a format that is easy to understand and remember.


men to Christ


them up to Kingdom precepts / benefits


them to maturity and ministry


them to ministry


them shine as light in their 'world'