Services & Special Programs
Weekly Services
We hold regular worship services in TFG between 9:00am and 11:15am every Sunday. Join other believers in an atmosphere of love and grace as we lift up THE MOST HIGH. You will not remain the same as you come.
Due to the current global pandemic, our Wednesday services currently run on Zoom by 6:30 pm NGR Time.
Meeting ID: 225 919 9354
Passcode: TFG15
Passcode: TFG15
It is always a time the clay is moulded and shaped in the hands of the potter through an in-depth discovering of divine purpose via the teaching of His word and impartation of His grace. “So mightily grew the WORD and PREVAILED” (Acts 19: 20). Welcome!
Other Specialized Programs
Family / Friendship Sunday
We strongly have as one of our major focus the raising of healthy families by teaching Kingdom precepts for living in harmony and fulfillment. Anytime families are changed, the nation becomes healthier. The deliverance of the Israelite out of Egypt did not come until a strategy that was family centered was implored- a lamb for an house (Exodus 12 : 3). As a result, we have our family Sunday every 1st Sunday of the month. By extension, this includes our Gifts’ service, Guests’ Services etc. Come with members of your family and the cord of togetherness will be strengthened.
The Winning Singles
This is our bi-monthly interdenominational singles’ outreach and holds at The Fountain Gate Church International. The Senior Pastor has been privileged to help hundreds of youths (singles) avoid heartbreaks, overcome heartbreaks and build Godly and enviable relationships. His over-two-decades experience on handling singles and relationship issues with his academic background in Psychology make listening to him on this subject a great delight. These teachings garnished with myriads of practical examples are educative , informative and equally inspirational. Watch out for the next singles’ summit.
Great Light Seminars
We hold quarterly specialized programs to cater for different needs ranging from financial empowerment, networking, entrepreneurship and other related issues. You need light to attain that height of your dreams. It is purely a teaching outfit. You will be privileged to meet men who have made marks in their various areas of pursuit and also graced with words of lifting. Don’t miss it. Be on the lookout.
Real Touch
This programme which releases us to the supernatural dimensions of power and glory comes up atimes during the family/friendship Sundays or at other times the pastorate feel led. The woman with the issue of blood touched Him and attracted virtue. During this programme, problems of humanity come in contacts with divinity and the force behind creation turns every mountain into a way. Our anointing services, healing services, communion services etc, come under this umbrella. It’s always awesome because where the mighty fail, the ALMIGHTY PREVAILS.
Home Advantage (for Couples and Mature Singles)
Home Advantage is a couples’ teaching and mentoring outfit where Pastor Andrew Eluwa, an MSc holder in Organizational and Industrial Psychology, takes numerous life-changing topics like healthy communication styles, understanding perception, and protecting your peace/joy among others. Our vision is simple: Raising Godly homes, confronting ungodly patterns.
You can find out more about Home Advantage here.